Remember the Jetsons? IoT is the here and now.

In the old futuristic cartoon The Jetsons we laughed, but marveled at the technology predictively portrayed in the show. Well, guess what? Fifty-plus years later, the far-fetched depictions of technology are now reality, and there is so much more to come. Like it or not, technology is an integral aspect of our lives. Ask someone to go without their cell phone and watch the reaction. Ask my kids to go without theirs and you would think I was serving them a life sentence on a deserted island.
The age of the Internet of Things, known as IoT, is the Jetsons on overload. By definition:
the Internet of Things (IoT) is essentially a system of machines or objects outfitted with data-collecting technologies so that those objects can communicate with one another. The machine-to-machine (M2M) data that is generated has a wide range of uses, but is commonly seen as a way to determine the health and status of things – inanimate or living.
IoT technology is already infiltrating our lifestyle… we have devices in cars that share driving habits with insurance companies in exchange for lower rates, fitness trackers we wear on our wrist are collecting data on our movements, home monitoring devices communicate with us via our cell phones, in-store beacons can send personalized messages via geolocation to a users’ smartphones and more. IoT is also being used in manufacturing, healthcare and government.
Industry watchers predict that IoT will be big. Analyst firm Gartner predicts that there will be 25 billion connected “things” by 2020, compared with 4.9 billion by the end of 2015. By the end of 2015, 1.9 billion people will have smartphones, according to
Don’t let the complexity of technology overwhelm you, let the pros at ZBx Technology help make your life less complicated. Our motto is “Technology Simplified”.
Contact us: 616-594-7100 or [email protected]
At ZBx Technology, we know the importance of a sound backup plan.
Let us help you and your business develop and implement a plan that involves a safe, secure and reliable lost & found box for your files and business operations. Contact us at 616-594-7100 or [email protected]